
Busy, Busy, Busy aren’t we all? Mirriam -Webster defines tension as “either of two balancing forces causing or tending to cause extension.”  Life is full of tensions.  Far too many feel they are extended way beyond the stretching point.

Broken Walls and Crushed Sidewalks comes from Isaiah 58 “. . . Repairer of Broken Walls, Restorer of Streets with Dwellings” (V.12 NIV). It’s meant as a place to come to help you tear down defense mechanisms that are no longer working for you and rebuild healthy boundaries as you navigate the tensions of life.

This site is for me but I really hope you find it to be a source of rest and comfort, as well. A place you can come to share a struggle or a joy. My hope is that you will feel a kindred spirit.  If you like what you find, feel free to invite others to this site.

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